Ajay G. Jani, CMT

Ajay G. Jani, CMT

Ajay G. Jani, who holds a Chartered Market Technician (CMT) designation, is the Managing Partner and CIO of Single A Capital. He has been in the investment business as a technical analyst since 1989, and was previously the Managing Director of Gramercy, an asset management firm focused on investing in Emerging Markets. He also submitted a review of “Trade like an O’Neil Disciple: How we made 18,000% in the stock market,” by Gil Morales and Dr. Chris Kacher in the October 2010 issue of Technically Speaking.

Chapter Chair

CMT Designation


Ajay G. Jani, who holds a Chartered Market Technician (CMT) designation, is the Managing Partner and CIO of Single A Capital. He has been in the investment business as a technical analyst since 1989, and was previously the Managing Director of Gramercy, an asset management firm focused on investing in Emerging Markets. He also submitted a review of “Trade like an O’Neil Disciple: How we made 18,000% in the stock market,” by Gil Morales and Dr. Chris Kacher in the October 2010 issue of Technically Speaking.

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