Bernie Schaeffer

Bernie Schaeffer

Bernie Schaeffer is the Founder and CEO at Schaeffer’s Investment Research, Inc, a leading provider of research and analysis on the stock and options market. He is widely recognized as an expert on equity and index options, investor sentiment, and market timing and is regularly quoted in the financial media. Bernie has edited the Option Advisor newsletter since its inception in 1981 and is the author of The Option Advisor: Wealth-Building Techniques Using Equity and Index Options, along with numerous contributions to books and periodicals. He is the recipient of the 2004 Trader’s Library Trader’s Hall of Fame Award for his numerous contributions to the field of trading and the Best of the Best Award from the CMT Association for his contributions to sentiment/psychological analysis. In 2003, Aaron Task of selected him as the market “Guru of the Year,” and he also won the 2002 Business Week Market Forecast Survey for most accurately forecasting year-end levels for the S&P 500. In 2009 he introduced SENTIMENT, a cutting edge print and electronic magazine for stock and option traders,that has also featured guest contributions from Larry McMillan, James Bittman, Todd Harrison and other renowned traders and educators.


Video Archive Contributions
October 1, 2010
Analyzing Option Market Senitment in the Age of Hedge Funds and High Frequency Trading
Presenter(s): Bernie Schaeffer

Chapter Chair

CMT Designation


Bernie Schaeffer is the Founder and CEO at Schaeffer’s Investment Research, Inc, a leading provider of research and analysis on the stock and options market. He is widely recognized as an expert on equity and index options, investor sentiment, and market timing and is regularly quoted in the financial media. Bernie has edited the Option Advisor newsletter since its inception in 1981 and is the author of The Option Advisor: Wealth-Building Techniques Using Equity and Index Options, along with numerous contributions to books and periodicals. He is the recipient of the 2004 Trader’s Library Trader’s Hall of Fame Award for his numerous contributions to the field of trading and the Best of the Best Award from the CMT Association for his contributions to sentiment/psychological analysis. In 2003, Aaron Task of selected him as the market “Guru of the Year,” and he also won the 2002 Business Week Market Forecast Survey for most accurately forecasting year-end levels for the S&P 500. In 2009 he introduced SENTIMENT, a cutting edge print and electronic magazine for stock and option traders,that has also featured guest contributions from Larry McMillan, James Bittman, Todd Harrison and other renowned traders and educators.


Market Insight Contributions

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