Editor’s Note: This month, we would like to introduce a new column to Technically Speaking entitled Meet A CMT. In this column, one of our Contributing Editors interviews a relatively new, up-and-coming Chartered Market Technician to introduce him to our Membership and to the technical analysis community. In our inaugural column, Contributing Editor Garry Rissman interviews MacNeil Curry, CMT from Barclay’s Capital. Thank you, Garry and MacNeil.
Contributing Editor: It is my proud honor to introduce the first speaker in a new series dedicated to interviewing less well-known CMT’s working in the field. Please tell us about yourself, sir.
MacNeil Curry: When I first started in college I was working for JP Morgan in the summers. I started to become very interested in the markets at the University of Pennsylvania in 1990 and 1991 when I was a freshman and a sophomore. U Penn is one of the few places as an undergrad where you can get a strong education in financial markets, economics, etc. I spent a lot of time talking to my friends and professors about markets and whatnot. We were always talking about markets in general. I always felt it was a very strong area for economic and fundamental analysis. I always felt there was an aspect missing, specifically psychology. Markets are essentially human beings and all their emotions come into play.
One of the fortunate things about U Penn was, and still is, that they have an incredible library and bookstore. I stumbled across a book called “Market Wizards” by Jack D. Schwager, which is essentially a bunch of interviews with traders. They rely on technicals very heavily. Technicals are nothing but a graphical representation of human psychology — of market psychology. They spoke of Edwards and McGee; one of the guys interviewed is Paul Tudor Jones (founder of Tudor Investment Corporation) who spoke highly of Bob Prechter and technical analysis in general. I felt like this is what I am missing here.
Contributing Editor: Did they have technical analysis at U Penn?
MacNeil Curry: No, not really, they have financial and fundamental analysis, but nothing on technical analysis. So Schwager’s book really set me on my way.
Contributing Editor: How long were you there for the internship at JP Morgan?
MacNeil Curry: I was there for four summers.
Contributing Editor: What did you do there?
MacNeil Curry: A variety of things — one summer I spent working in the emerging markets doing trade settlements, middle office or back office. Another summer was done predominantly doing consulting type work; whether they were going to outsource or not, but had nothing to do with markets at all.
Contributing Editor: So no technical analysis during those four summers?
MacNeil Curry: No, I was just trying to get a handle on how markets worked at that point in time with respect to what products did the banks cover, etc. Very basic stuff, for example, this is a trading floor, but I thought the trading floor was the New York Stock Exchange. No, that is where all equity trades get executed. This is a fixed income floor; this is foreign exchange where currency is traded; this is the commodities floor where gold, metals are traded.
Contributing Editor: I understand. How long have you had your job at Barclay’s Capital?
MacNeil Curry: Since February 2005.
Contributing Editor: Before that how long were you working in a job pertaining to technical analysis?
MacNeil Curry: Prior to working at Barclay’s I spent 5 and a quarter years at Idea Global doing purely technical analysis. I did technical analysis for the foreign exchange markets. Basically the meat and bones of our work was doing interday and daily technicals on the G10 currencies. Idea Global is a third party independent research firm covering foreign exchange and fixed income predominantly.
Contributing Editor: Is it a service for traders?
MacNeil Curry: Exactly, we were providing support and resistance trade recommendations; a brief outlook on what we thought markets were going to go over the next 24 hours; four hours, a week, thereabouts. Pretty much across all time frames, but the focus was on intraday and daily. Prior to my job at Idea Global, all my jobs had been in markets. When I was at U Penn in my last semester I switched over to night classes and took a job during the day as a clerk at the Philadelphia Stock Exchange, essentially as a specialist clerk, entering and exiting trades; maintaining the specialist book; maintaining position counts; getting the specialist lunch, making sure our book was in order, liasoning with the middle office; essentially being a clerk for a trader.
Contributing Editor: Did that help you get the work at Idea Global?
MacNeil Curry: When I finished up at Penn, I left Philadelphia to move to New York to work at Morgan Stanley Dean Witter in fixed income — essentially their fixed income help desk for their retail brokers and their traders. Fixed income is a little bit more involved. A retail broker who needs to buy or sell a bunch of corporate or government bonds couldn’t speak for the traders, as there is a lot of jargon involved that he might not necessarily know what to do with or how to deal with, at which time I became very involved in technicals. From there I moved on to Refco, which has been in the papers. I worked on the overnight desk essentially managing customer orders for all the financial and agricultural futures markets.
Contributing Editor: How did you get the job at Barclay’s, through word of mouth, did Idea Global recommend you?
MacNeil Curry: No. There is a trade magazine in foreign exchange called FX Week. They announced in early June last year that Jordan Kotick had left JP Morgan to start up a new group at Barclay’s Capital covering global technical analysis across markets. Most firms have a technical analysis desk that covers just fixed income or just foreign exchange. Jordan went into Barclay’s to run a group that was cross-markets that would look at everything in terms of how all markets affect each other.
Contributing Editor: During our recent phone conversation you stated the following: “At Barclays we are cross markets based. There are essentially four of us, two in New York and two in London. We don’t just cover foreign exchange; we don’t just cover fixed income; we look at foreign exchange, fixed income, and commodities. We do work on all three of those areas as well as the equity markets, but to a much lesser extent in the sense that we don’t write about individual stocks. We just look at the broad indices. And then we try to see how that all relates together to one another.”
MacNeil Curry: That is true. In our group of four technical analysts we don’t cover just fixed income or just foreign exchange, we cover everything. Our big thing is inter-market analysis. For example, we look at how the commodity markets are affecting the fixed income markets, etc. How are equity markets affecting fixed income? We do analysis of all of those. We don’t have an equity desk so we don’t write about individual equities in today’s regulatory environment. That can be a touchy subject.
Contributing Editor: What are some of the specific methods you use to achieve your technical analysis?
MacNeil Curry: There are a lot of techniques that I use. On one level I am very Elliot Wave based, but that is not the only source of analysis that I use. A lot of sentiment and positioning such as CFT statistics or the various sentiment measures that are out there. A lot of pattern recognition — standard Edwards and McGee. They probably have one of the most definitive books on pattern recognition. I do a fair amount of work with seasonal statistics. We also use a fair amount of candlestick charting techniques.
Contributing Editor: Describe your experiences with the Level 1, 2 and 3 CMT exams?
MacNeil Curry: Very positive and very rewarding when I did it — three years and three exams. You are going to get an incredible knowledge base of TA. It covers all the major tenets of TA that is out there so you will have at least a very solid framework of every different type of analysis. If you haven’t seen that type of analysis the CMT at the very least will provide you with the right questions to ask so you can figure it out. It is also incredibly rewarding to go over a three-year process to go through the steps where you are a novice and then by the end you are very well based in technicals.
Contributing Editor: I have never heard anyone else say it better.
MacNeil Curry: The NASDAQ and the NYSE officially recognize the CMT so that you do not have to take the Series 86. That is a huge step in the right direction for TA to be treated as equals with their fundamental brothers. I think Ralph Acampora is right; the Golden Age of TA is now. Think about the strides we are making. Barclay is a major institution that about three years ago started a new group for TA. That is a major accomplishment as well as the NASDAQ accepting the CMT.
Contributing Editor: Do you have any advice or tips for newly graduating CMT’s looking for jobs?
MacNeil Curry: Maintain the confidence; people have a great designation after their name. It is a tried and true process. It is not something you do overnight and all of a sudden you have this thing that means nothing. It is a rigorous time tested process to gain an extremely valuable form of analysis of financial markets. Maintain your confidence in the fact that you have a great knowledge base. Think about the tenacity and the hunger that got somebody to get the CMT designation. You can’t just stop there; you have to be hungry; you have to take risks; you have to be tenacious. From a job perspective, get involved with the MTA. It’s a great way to meet people in the field looking for other technicians who are CMT’s. For somebody who is interested and involved in technicals, make the effort to meet people and talk about ideas.
As is the case with investing, great opportunities don’t come along every day; they come along sporadically and you have to be ready for them. Make an investment in yourself. I worked nights at Refco, which was no good for my social life. It was difficult as my friends had great day jobs. It was a very valuable experience; although I don’t think I would work nights again. The great opportunities don’t come along every day.
The job market is discouraging on some level; it is like a casting call. How many big actors who you have heard about get rejected from 10,000 small parts, which was incredibly difficult on a psychological perspective. They kept on getting doors slammed in their face, but they kept with it and all of a sudden the big break came. The chances come along; you have to be prepared for them.
Contributing Editor: Thank you very much for your time today.