Technically Speaking, December 2007

From the Editor

While the MTA continues to grow, the need for volunteers grows as well. All committees need more help, and there are several positions on the Board of Directors to fill in the next election. (more information on the call for nominees on the insert).

Many organizations seeing the growth that we enjoy would be desperate to find enough volunteers. The MTA is not facing desperate times, we are very fortunate to have a large number of active volunteers. 

Hopefully no one will think we have enough volunteers, because there is always room for more. But, we are able to maintain the same amazing level of activity that we always have even as membership has grown. 

If you’re not involved, look at the web site and see if there is anything that interests you. Many committees and chapters could use more help, and with more help they can deliver more high quality services. It’s your MTA, help make it even better.

Mike Carr, CMT

What's Inside...

From the Executive Director

MTA Membership:

During the busy holiday season, there has been a lot going on with the MTA…

  • I would like to congratulate those of you who have passed Levels...
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Ralph Vince

By Molly Schilling
By Ralph Vince

I had the pleasure of speaking to Ralph Vince by phone on October 1, 2007 – he was in his office in Ohio and I was in my home in...

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“The Handbook of Portfolio Mathematics: Formulas for Optimal Allocation & Leverage” by Ralph Vince

By Michael Carr, CMT

John Bollinger, CFA, CMT, has already written the definitive review of this book:

“This is quite simply the most important investment book that...

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John Tortorella

The day after Thanksgiving, November 23, 2007, the MTA lost a member. John Tortorella, died suddenly at the all-too-young age of 61. John...

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MTA Journal of Technical Analysis

By Connie Brown, CFTe, MFTA

Hello Colleagues!

Let me start by thanking Charlie Kirkpatrick for his editorial leadership surrounding the Journal of Technical Analysis. The task of sourcing valuable articles is time consuming to say...

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2008 Charles H. Dow Award Competition

By George A. Schade, Jr., CMT

The competition for the 2008 Charles H. Dow Award is open. The award for excellence and creativity in technical analysis has been presented since 1994, and today it is the...

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“Focus on Members” Survey

By Phil Roth, CMT
By Tom Silveri

Dear MTA Member,

As you may know, the MTA Board of Directors and staff are actively moving forward with specific initiatives to drive our strategic goals of:

  1. Increasing the...
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Nominations Committee News….

By Jordan Kotick, CMT

MTA Members,

At this point, we have filled all nominating committee positions for the upcoming Board selection process. I am pleased to announce that our nominating committee this year has...

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From the Executive Director

MTA Membership:

During the busy holiday season, there has been a lot going on with the MTA…

  • I would like to congratulate those of you who have passed Levels 1 and 2 of the fall CMT Exam. Registration, if not opened yet, will be opened shortly. A special congratulations goes to those who passed the Level 3 Exam. I hope you have, at a minimum, begun the member process, and we welcome you all as the newest group of CMTs.
  • As you have seen through many communications, the MTA has been working with an outside brand consultant. I would like to thank those of you that took the time to fill out our “Focus on Members” survey, and ask those of you who haven’t done so, to please go to the MTA Member Homepage and provide us with your input. To effectively complete this task, it is important that we gather as much feedback and information from our membership as possible. (more information on this survey can be found on the insert)
  • The 2008 Mid-Winter Retreat is fast approaching, and I look forward to seeing many of you there. If you are unsure about whether or not you should attend, I strongly urge you to make the trip. You will have the opportunity to hear from today’s  leading technicians, network with other technicians, and enjoy the beautiful St. Pete Beach atmosphere. If you have any questions regarding this event, please contact Tim Licitra at
  • In the upcoming months you will receive notification about several positions on the MTA’s Board of Directors that are open for election. For more information on this process and the steps involved, please read the letter from Nominating Committee Chair Jordan Kotick, CMT on the insert.

Lastly, I would like to wish you and your families a happy and safe holiday season. The MTA’s Headquarter Office will be closed on December 24th, 25th, 31st, and January 1st.

Happy Holidays,
Tom Silveri
MTA Executive Director

MTA Membership:

During the busy holiday season, there has been a lot going on with the MTA…

  • I would like to congratulate those of you who have passed Levels 1 and 2 of the fall CMT Exam. Registration, if not opened yet, will be opened shortly. A special congratulations goes to those who passed the Level 3 Exam. I hope you have, at...


Ralph Vince

I had the pleasure of speaking to Ralph Vince by phone on October 1, 2007 – he was in his office in Ohio and I was in my home in Connecticut.

MMS: So what’d you think of this market today?

RV: I haven’t looked at it.

MMS: Really?

RV: I haven’t even looked at it. I generally look at that on a weekly basis. I mean I know that there’s been a rate cut. I know oil is moving. But I couldn’t tell you what the indexes are doing.

MMS: Really? You only look on a weekly basis. When do you look? What’s the routine?

RV: I usually look on Saturday morning – I read Barron’s. I’ve made a conscious effort to make things be long-term, and to take a more long-term perspective on things because in the last 20 years – as everything has become more compressed through computerization – things have become considerably more short-term than they used to be. And I’m not a short term trader.

MMS: When you look at charts, are you looking at monthlies… weeklies?

RV: Usually weeklies. That’s the time frame that I’m operating on.

MMS: Tell me a little more about yourself – how you got involved in the market? What was your inspiration?

RV: I was a kid and I was looking for a job. I walked into a brokerage firm, and the girl asked me if I was here about the job in the paper, and I said “Yes,” without a clue what the job was, and she handed me a book that said Federal Reserve Regulation T. I remember this was a Friday, and she said “Be familiar with what’s in the book and be ready to work on Monday, and I remember getting on the bus and wondering what in the hell this book was. As it turned out, I became a margin clerk for short option accounts only. And to make matters worse, at the time, you calculated everything by hand. There were no computers.

MMS: What year was this? 

RV: This would have been in 1980.

MMS: Computation with no computers.

RV: Well, there were computers, but there was no software in place for the kind of calculations I was doing. It was a great introduction to the business, that’s for sure. 

MMS: Was there any important mentor type out there, even a book writer?

RV: There were a couple of option aficionados right where I worked. I remember being so impressed by one guy yelling in a phone to someone “You want to be buying new highs.” And I remember – in my youthful mind, it burned right into me – a truer word was never spoken. A couple of other guys were using point and figure charts, and I was curious, and I really got interested.

MMS: And move us forward to your career today.

RV: Well back then, they were just computerizing the back office operations. And a guy from ADP, I think it was called Computer Information Service, came and talked to us, and a couple days after that called me up and said, “How would you like to come and work with me in New York?” So the next thing I know I’m working in New York with access to price databases, so I started writing programs. And they began to ask me to test this and test that out, and it exploded into this little business. And it was something I really, really enjoyed. In retrospect, it was interesting to be there, right when everything was getting started.

MMS: And that was the early phase of Apple, before they went south for a while, right?

RV: Yeah, they had a few good years initially, they were about the only game in town for about 20 minutes there, and then the PC came in and just displaced it all in short order.

MMS: And now they have certainly had their come back. Go on.

RV: So, one thing led to another, and I eventually ended up working for Larry Williams on the West Coast. Working for him was the greatest thing that ever happened to me. I met him in a hotel in Chicago around 1985 and we just hit it off. He would call me at the most insane hours. I don’t think he ever slept, I’ve never seen a man so passionate about the markets and I would try to write down every word and trading idea that this guy spoke. I couldn’t keep up with him at anything though – not in terms of his thought process, not physically, nothing! And I started keeping all kinds of notes. I’d been keeping notes all along, that’s just part of my routine. And one day, I sent my notes off to a publisher, and they said “We’d like to put this out as a book.” There are some interesting things in the notes that were not so obvious pre- the programming age. And it got me some notoriety.

MMS: You’ve done three books now?

RV: Oh, you embarrass me. I honestly don’t know, I think it’s four. This last one’s like a compilation of the previous three (plus the stuff I’ve been working on the past 10 years in that vein).

MMS: Have you always been a writer? 

RV: Well I just like to document my footprints, where I’ve been, and my plans, where I’m going, because I find I always have to go back and ask myself how did I get here? What did it take to get here? I really just put things down on a legal pad. And then the years go by, and one legal pad stacks up on top of another and pretty soon I’ve got a beanstalk growing.

MMS: So writing is a discipline for you? 

RV: It definitely is. I’m involved in many projects, not just the market stuff. I have other pots boiling. I do industrial programming. I’ve got this talking robot project I’ve been working on. So I can’t keep track of it unless I write it down.

MMS: Are you electronically inclined? 

RV: No, not at all. I’m all thumbs. When it gets beyond the known to the abstract, it just costs a lot of money to fix what I damage.

MMS: So how do you create a talking robot? Is it theoretical?

RV: Well there are a lot of speech recognition engines out there, where what you’re saying types out in Microsoft Word and so forth. But there’s no muscle on the back end. And that is what I create, its deeper programming data. I strengthen the linguistic muscle behind speech recognition for speech-based systems that will eventually be ubiquitous – in your car, your thermostat, and eventually everywhere.

I also do industrial type programming for Snap-On business solutions, the automotive center. And I do a lot of programming that way. It sounds kind of perverse, but it’s really what I like to do when I get up in the morning.

MMS: So your market sensibilities come from your programming skills?

RV: Yes, my programming skills really complement my portfolio management ideas. It’s a real hand in glove fit.

MMS: So just draw that out for me a little bit.

RV: Okay. In the past, people would take parameters and input them into a portfolio model, and from those input parameters, they would derive what an optimal portfolio would be. I’ve created a different sort of a model, and in fact, the computational demand for doing it my way now would have been prohibitive a generation ago because the computer power wasn’t there. More specifically, it just wasn’t accessible to people.

MMS: Okay, so what is it that you bring to portfolio technique?

RV: First, my model is based solely on leverage versus drawdown. The old models don’t even take leverage into account. But leverage is an indispensable facet of it.

Secondly, to say that variance in returns is what risk is, is pretty fallacious. Risk is drawdown. That really is what risk is. That’s where you lose or keep your clients. Secondly, this model pertains to any distributional form of returns, whereas the old one is really for normally distributed returns. We know nothing is normally distributed except people’s height and IQ scores for the most part.

It seems data that has a naturally-limiting bound to it tends to be normally distributed. Say a man is, typically, 6 feet tall and weighs 200 pounds. If we could double his height, to 12 feet tall, and keeping proportions the same, we have to square his weight.

So a similarly proportioned man would, at 12 feet tall, weigh 40,000 pounds and if you double the girth of his bones and connective tissues, he still wouldn’t be able to stand up! So there is a naturally limiting bound that gives us finite variance, and a normal distribution there. Not so with prices. And lastly this one doesn’t use correlation, which is really a clumsy parameter. And the days when you need that the most, say October 19th, 1987, and some days we saw this summer, the days when you’re counting on it the most are the days when it will fail people the greatest. The new model uses conditional probabilities in lieu of correlation, and it’s far more realistic.

I might say that this model has the benefit of being derived post October 19th, 1987 and other dates like that, days that the previous models were not modeled after. Now these type of big drop days seem to pop up every 18 months or so…

MMS: Okay. So let’s talk a bit about your routine and what your average day is like. If you only check the market on Saturdays, what do you do during the week?

RV: I usually write code from the moment I get up. That’s my day. And I try to avoid looking at the markets. It’s almost impossible to do that, because the Internet and media are everywhere. You can’t walk through an airport concourse without finding out what the markets are doing, whether you want to know it or not.

MMS: And do you have to close it out because you get tempted?

RV: Oh absolutely. I have to say to myself “I’m going to follow this plan,” and you’ll follow that plan much more easily if you’re not watching it all the time.

MMS: So you have to be very disciplined about it.

RV: Right, and I have the benefit of not working in the business. If you’re in the business, you can’t help but feel the market pulse on a minute by minute basis, and that’s grown with the Internet. I really try to block that out.

MMS: So, you have a plan, you have your investments and an exit strategy. And you’re just going to live it out until that exit strategy completes itself?

RV: Yes, exactly.

MMS: How frequently do you change or adjust your portfolio?

RV: I wouldn’t do anything until first thing Monday morning, regardless of what happened this week. Until I see Saturday what to do, I’m not doing a damn thing.

MMS: Okay. But do you do something once every Monday morning or?

RV: Well, once every Monday morning for a two to six month plan.

MMS: And you’re a runner?

RV: I run a lot. Guys who are coordinated or have athletic ability don’t have to do that kind of stuff. They can go play tennis and squash and all that. But when you’re uncoordinated like me, its one of the only things you can do athletically.

MMS: You’re an “ultra-marathon” runner. What’s that?

RV: 50 to 100 mile type thing.

MMS: So you must run every day.

RV: No, I don’t. I’ve got a little program I follow and it keeps me in shape. I run a couple times a week, just for a few miles. And then on weekends I’ll go do a double digit, and once a month I’ll go do anywhere from 20 to 50 miles in one go. But I go slowly. I mean I’m back there at the end of the crowd.

MMS: Still, that’s very ambitious. And you practice Ju-jitsu?

RV: Oh, I’ve been doing that for many, many years. Two nights a week we get together. I’ve been doing it so long, and when you get to a certain age and you don’t want to stop because you’ll loose your form. Like the running thing, the whole idea isn’t so much for sport or staying in shape, as it is the psychology of not succumbing to the suffocating culture of comfort, and that’s my primary motivation. It’s a little nutty and a little monastic, but that’s –

MMS: That’s your philosophy…

RV: Yes it is.

MMS: What do you like to read?

RV: I love 1950s literature. I love the renaissance of that. I love reading Nabokov. I love reading Kerouac and Truman Capote. And I love the literary explosion that happened in that decade. And I think Lolita is the pinnacle of English literature. That’s a book I’ve got to back and read every two years or so.

MMS: What kind of business reading do you do?

RV: I like to read Barron’s cover to cover. I like to read US News and World Report. I like to read Journal of Finance. And I tried to read Futures magazine. Well, The Economist, but that’s a little, that’s kind of inapplicable to anything that I’m really involved with. I like to read anything I can get my hands on by Nelson Freeburg.

MMS: What does Nelson Freeburg write?

RV: He has a newsletter. He has different systems and studies. He’s kind of a one man “Davis-Zweig” type, a one man research department that just pumps out tons of great stuff. Nelson Freeburg’s work is one of those rare jewels that rivals the research and output of Davis-Zweig in my humble opinion. Nelson Freeburg puts out a newsletter, Formula Research.

MMS: So music, do you like music at all? 

RV: Oh yeah.

MMS: What kind?

RV: Now you’re really trying to date me. I’m not even going to go there.

MMS: Oh, okay. Elvis Presley?

RV: Well, let’s put it this way, it’s after the 1950s, okay?

MMS: Okay, to conclude, what would you like your readers to know and remember?

RV: Well I just hope they work with some of the ideas that are in this last book. I’d like to see somebody pick up the ball and start working with these ideas because I think there’s a lot of stuff that can be worked with, and that can do a lot of good.

MMS: Can you expand on that a little bit?

RV: Sure, in the last chapter we go into maximizing returns on the given probability of a given drawdown. And I think that there’s a lot there that people can work with and really use, and I hope that somebody can pick up the ball and do some good with it – add to it, you know, kick it around a bit. That’s really what my motivation is in putting it out there.

MMS: You’ve told me a lot about yourself. Is there anything else you’d like to say about your life?

RV: I think the “not succumbing to suffocating culture of comforts” is kind of the heart of the whole thing with me. And actually, right now I have to go and get a fl at tire changed.

MMS: We appreciate your wisdom, and thanks so much for taking the time to talk to me today and for letting us get to know you a bit.

RV: Thanks so much, Molly.

I had the pleasure of speaking to Ralph Vince by phone on October 1, 2007 – he was in his office in Ohio and I was in my home in Connecticut.

MMS: So what’d you think of this market today?

RV: I haven’t looked at it.

MMS: Really?

RV: I haven’t even looked at it. I generally look at that on a weekly basis....


Molly Schilling

Molly Schilling is an independent trader and freelance writer. Molly has been a member of the MTA since 2005.

Ralph Vince

Ralph Vince currently serves as CEO and Founder of Exsuperatus LLC, which creates “performance indexes” for passive institutional programs and ETF providers. He has worked for fund managers, sovereign wealth…

“The Handbook of Portfolio Mathematics: Formulas for Optimal Allocation & Leverage” by Ralph Vince

John Bollinger, CFA, CMT, has already written the definitive review of this book:

“This is quite simply the most important investment book that you haven’t read yet. Mr. Vince explains in a clear and forthright manner why position sizing is so important, demonstrates the importance of getting it right and shows you how to determine the correct position size for your approach.

While Mr. Vince’s past books were good, “The Handbook of Portfolio Mathematics” is a quantum leap forward. It brings together all his prior research and couples it with the benefit of many years worth of real-time application of his principals. The exposition is rigorous for those who want to delve into the math, while the prose allows the less mathematically inclined reader full access to his ideas.”

Ralph Vince has previously demonstrated unparalleled expertise in money management, a field he may have invented. In the first part of this book, he demonstrates that he has equally superlative abilities as a math instructor. Basic concepts of distribution theory are explained so that everyone can understand them. There is no need to have taken a statistics course in college; Vince thoroughly addresses all topics at a level the novice can understand.

After providing the theoretical background, Vince turns to applying it. Again, the text is complete. After reading the book, traders will know how to apply the ideas, and if they do so, they will improve their profits. It is rare that a technical analyst like myself makes a completely unhedged statement like applying what you learn in this book will improve your performance. But, there is no need to hedge that opinion, Vince details exactly how to incorporate leverage, considering drawdowns, and improve the profitability of any system.

For those who have not read any of Vince’s previous works, there is no need to. All of the material from his other books is included in this one. The Handbook of Portfolio Mathematics stands alone in the field of money management.

Published by Wiley Trading, $95.00.

John Bollinger, CFA, CMT, has already written the definitive review of this book:

“This is quite simply the most important investment book that you haven’t read yet. Mr. Vince explains in a clear and forthright manner why position sizing is so important, demonstrates the importance of getting it right and shows you how to determine...


Michael Carr, CMT

Mike Carr, who holds a Chartered Market Technician (CMT) designation, is a full-time trader and contributing editor for Banyan Hill Publishing, a leading investment newsletter service. He is an instructor…

John Tortorella

The day after Thanksgiving, November 23, 2007, the MTA lost a member. John Tortorella, died suddenly at the all-too-young age of 61. John passed away just as he lived – quietly and surrounded by the family that meant more to him than anything else in life.

John’s life and work symbolized the spirit of the Market Technicians Association in the twenty-first century. He was an entrepreneur, having been a self-employed technical analyst for much of his career. John worked as an advisor to money managers throughout the country, including some of the largest funds in the world. He also partnered with an independent research firm, Sixth Man Research, where he published research until his passing.

Although John’s analysis incorporated his own unique indicators he developed over the years, admirers often said his work had incredible value because it was the most useful analysis they had ever come across. He had a knack for delivering clear and unambiguous expectations for the markets he studied that gave his customers a new level of precision most had never experienced. A sample of the work he did with Sixth Man research is on the next page.

Each day John prepared pivot levels of support and resistance for the major market indices that were based on his proprietary system. He was an avid “tape reader,” spending large parts of the trading day watching scrolling trade reports on his computer screen and melding what he saw into his evaluation of the market – a craft almost lost in today’s electronic age.

Like many technicians, John loved numbers, sometimes betting on the horses, the lottery, and all kinds of sporting events.

Working from home in Pompton Lakes, NJ for the most part allowed John the freedom to participate in the activities which make a town something special. As a long time member of the Pompton Lakes Youth Organization, John could be heard on the public address system as a football announcer who would never replace John Madden, but who made each game memorable. He was also active with the Youth Traveling Basketball Team.

Technical analysis gave John an opportunity to create the life he wanted. In his talented hands, technical analysis became the tool that allowed him to live well. He was the consummate technician – passionate about the markets, willing to take risks, and enjoying the rewards that good analysis make possible.

John will be missed by his wife of thirty-five years, Patricia, his children, Timothy and Daniel, and his friends and colleagues. His life will also be remembered as the model to live by for many young technicians.

The day after Thanksgiving, November 23, 2007, the MTA lost a member. John Tortorella, died suddenly at the all-too-young age of 61. John passed away just as he lived – quietly and surrounded by the family that meant more to him than anything else in life.

John’s life and work symbolized the spirit of the...


MTA Journal of Technical Analysis

Hello Colleagues!

Let me start by thanking Charlie Kirkpatrick for his editorial leadership surrounding the Journal of Technical Analysis. The task of sourcing valuable articles is time consuming to say the very least, but for those of you who know Charlie, no task is too daunting for him. The MTA owes Charlie a big THANK YOU!!

When the MTA asked me to be the Editor for its Journal of Technical Analysis I must admit I was excited. The Journal has been the repository of some of the best TA papers in the market. In my view, the Journal must continue to represent the best of technical analysis thinking out in the market today. It also needs to have a good mix of classical, quantitative analysis, and academic research support. It is extremely important to those of us on your Journal Committee to begin to ensure all areas of specialties within our industry are represented. The best work on geometry, cycles, market behavior, and even harmonics should be included to name but a few. By pushing the envelope; we push ourselves ahead and grow our industry. We also need to include a good mix of quality “how to” from the best practices of risk management using our varied methods to show our readers how we continually add value. Our goal in the Journal will be for you, the reader, to be able to get practical TA information and even revisit historic and lesser-known methods from which our industry was built.

The Journal Committee has ideas to bring a spotlight on your Journal and to our industry. During my tenure we will work hard to bring a presence to our Journal as it should not be a secret known and read by only a few. We welcome your thoughts, suggestions and constructive criticism so we can all be eager to receive the latest issue. MTA Headquarter staff will be assisting me in my efforts to expand the readership and external marketing of this Journal so that we can solicit the “best of the best”. That process starts today and you will be hearing more about our efforts in future communications. The process will begin to include communications to the media on how others can be published in the Journal as well.

The time has come to take action. Be it pen or mouse; we need you! If you have any articles/ ideas for consideration, I would love to have them. We have established a web-address for communications regarding the Journal,

We are off and running……..

Connie Brown, CMT

Hello Colleagues!

Let me start by thanking Charlie Kirkpatrick for his editorial leadership surrounding the Journal of Technical Analysis. The task of sourcing valuable articles is time consuming to say the very least, but for those of you who know Charlie, no task is too daunting for him. The MTA owes Charlie a big THANK YOU!!

When the MTA asked me to be the...


Connie Brown, CFTe, MFTA

Connie Brown founded Aerodynamic Investments Inc. in 1996 to advance the field of technical research using Gann theory. Prior to founding her company, Connie was an institutional trader for 12…

2008 Charles H. Dow Award Competition

The competition for the 2008 Charles H. Dow Award is open. The award for excellence and creativity in technical analysis has been presented since 1994, and today it is the most important writing competition in the field.

The last day to submit papers is February 1, 2008. The Board of Directors has approved a $2,000 cash prize. The standards for writing content and style have been raised.

The winning author will be invited to discuss the paper at a national MTA seminar or at a monthly meeting of an MTA regional chapter. The paper or a summary may be published in the MTA’s Journal of Technical Analysis, in Technically Speaking, and the MTA website. The author of the runner-up paper may receive a certificate.

The guidelines are posted on the MTA’s Web site under Activities. Address inquiries to

Recipients of the Charles H. Dow Award have been:

  • 1994 Charles D. Kirkpatrick, II, CMT, “Charles Dow Looks At The Long Wave”
  • 1995 William X. Scheinman, “Information, Time and Risk”
  • 1996 Timothy W. Hayes, CMT, “The Quantifi cation Predicament”
  • 1998 Christopher L. Carolan, “Autumn Panics: A Calendar Phenomenon”
  • 1999 Eric Bjorgen and Steven C. Leuthold “Corporate Insiders’ Big Block Transactions”
  • 2001 Peter G. Eliades, “Sign of the Bear”, and Charles D. Kirkpatrick, II, CMT, “Stock Selection: A Test of Relative Stock Values Reported Over 17 1/2 Years”
  • 2002 Paul F. Desmond, “Identifying Bear Market Bottoms and New Bull Markets”
  • 2003 Gary E. Anderson, “The Janus Factor”
  • 2004 Jason Goepfert, “Mutual Fund Cash Reserves, the Risk-Free Rate, and Stock Market Performance”
  • 2007 Buff Pelz Dormeier, “Price and Volume – Digging Deeper”

The competition for the 2008 Charles H. Dow Award is open. The award for excellence and creativity in technical analysis has been presented since 1994, and today it is the most important writing competition in the field.

The last day to submit papers is February 1, 2008. The Board of Directors has approved a $2,000 cash prize. The standards for writing content and style...


George A. Schade, Jr., CMT

George A. Schade, Jr., who holds a Chartered Market Technician (CMT) designation, has written extensively about the people and innovations that have advanced the field of technical analysis within financial…

“Focus on Members” Survey

Dear MTA Member,

As you may know, the MTA Board of Directors and staff are actively moving forward with specific initiatives to drive our strategic goals of:

  1. Increasing the awareness of technical market analysis, in public and investment communities around the world.
  2. Promoting technical market analysis and the value of the CMT designation in the markets where our members operate.

The Board has been working with an outside consulting firm (MIBOSO) on these initiatives. At this point in time, we need input from you, our Affiliates and Members. We want you to tell us about your professional challenges and goals. We also want you to comment on MTA’s strengths and weaknesses and to rate a member supplied “Wish List” of suggestions – an array of thoughts and ideas on how we can add value. This survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete. (And we are demonstrating our appreciation in a totally unprecedented way!)

The survey asks for some basic demographic data that allows us to see, with some precision, which segments of our membership respond most strongly to specific questions. We have carefully analyzed that part of the survey to ensure that we gather only data that is essential to the integrity of this research initiative. “Other” response fields have been included with most questions, and to give you the last word, in case there’s something you want to tell us that is not asked. Your input will be accumulated by MIBOSO and neither the Board, nor other MTA Members/Affiliates/Staff will have access to any individual input. We will see only cumulated, segmented data, so you can answer knowing that your confidentiality is assured!!

To thank you for participating, a link will be provided at the end of the survey (to protect the confidentiality of your answers) that lets you register to win free attendance, hotel and airfare at the future Seminar/Retreat of you choice! Two winners will be chosen. A link to full contest details are posted at the end of the survey.

Please log onto the Member Homepage and complete this survey by December 31st. It should take no more than 10 minutes and may get you a front row seat at an upcoming Seminar or Retreat! An Executive Summary of the results will be posted as soon as they are compiled.

We are looking forward to learning how we can serve you with the utmost efficiency and understanding.


Phil Roth, MTA President and
Tom Silveri, MTA Executive Director

Dear MTA Member,

As you may know, the MTA Board of Directors and staff are actively moving forward with specific initiatives to drive our strategic goals of:

  1. Increasing the awareness of technical market analysis, in public and investment communities around the world.
  2. Promoting technical market analysis and the value of the CMT designation in the markets where our members operate.

The Board...


Phil Roth, CMT

Philip J. Roth, who holds the Chartered Market Technician designation, was the Chief Technical Market Analyst at Miller Tabak + Co. from 2001 until April 2012. Phil was a Wall…

Tom Silveri

Bio Coming

Nominations Committee News….

MTA Members,

At this point, we have filled all nominating committee positions for the upcoming Board selection process. I am pleased to announce that our nominating committee this year has the diversity of MTA representation that truly covers the general membership of the MTA.

As you know, all Offi cer positions (President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary) come up for consideration for the 2-year term that commences July 1, 2008. In addition, two (2) At-large Board positions also come up for consideration for the 3-year term that commences July 1, 2008 — A total of six (6) positions!

Over the next two (2) months, we are encouraging any Member, Honorary Member or Emeritus Member in good standing to submit your name for consideration by the nominating committee, along with a description of the Board position you are seeking. The nominating committee will then seek out your completion of a tailored questionnaire as part of its review process. In addition, if you do not wish to serve but have suggestions on who might be willing/able to do so, we would encourage you to write us on that as well. Our committee will investigate these suggestions as well.

By February 28th, the nominating committee is responsible for vetting all responses and to create a “slate” of new Board Officers and At-large Directors for consideration by the membership at the MTA Annual Meeting, preliminarily scheduled for May 2008. 

This is arguably the most important task of our Association as it will define our leadership into the future. I urge you to participate. Your input is important to us. Please write to me at with any questions/ comments and, of course,  suggestions!

Best Regards,
Jordan Kotick, CMT
Chairman – Nominating Committee

MTA Members,

At this point, we have filled all nominating committee positions for the upcoming Board selection process. I am pleased to announce that our nominating committee this year has the diversity of MTA representation that truly covers the general membership of the MTA.

As you know, all Offi cer positions (President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary) come up for consideration for the 2-year...


Jordan Kotick, CMT

Bio Coming Soon.

From the Executive Director

MTA Membership:

During the busy holiday season, there has been a lot going on with the MTA…

  • I would like to congratulate those of you who have passed Levels 1 and 2 of the fall CMT Exam. Registration, if not opened yet, will be opened shortly. A special congratulations goes to those who passed the Level 3 Exam. I hope you have, at a minimum, begun the member process, and we welcome you all as the newest group of CMTs.
  • As you have seen through many communications, the MTA has been working with an outside brand consultant. I would like to thank those of you that took the time to fill out our “Focus on Members” survey, and ask those of you who haven’t done so, to please go to the MTA Member Homepage and provide us with your input. To effectively complete this task, it is important that we gather as much feedback and information from our membership as possible. (more information on this survey can be found on the insert)
  • The 2008 Mid-Winter Retreat is fast approaching, and I look forward to seeing many of you there. If you are unsure about whether or not you should attend, I strongly urge you to make the trip. You will have the opportunity to hear from today’s  leading technicians, network with other technicians, and enjoy the beautiful St. Pete Beach atmosphere. If you have any questions regarding this event, please contact Tim Licitra at
  • In the upcoming months you will receive notification about several positions on the MTA’s Board of Directors that are open for election. For more information on this process and the steps involved, please read the letter from Nominating Committee Chair Jordan Kotick, CMT on the insert.

Lastly, I would like to wish you and your families a happy and safe holiday season. The MTA’s Headquarter Office will be closed on December 24th, 25th, 31st, and January 1st.

Happy Holidays,
Tom Silveri
MTA Executive Director

Ralph Vince

I had the pleasure of speaking to Ralph Vince by phone on October 1, 2007 – he was in his office in Ohio and I was in my home in Connecticut.

MMS: So what’d you think of this market today?

RV: I haven’t looked at it.

MMS: Really?

RV: I haven’t even looked at it. I generally look at that on a weekly basis. I mean I know that there’s been a rate cut. I know oil is moving. But I couldn’t tell you what the indexes are doing.

MMS: Really? You only look on a weekly basis. When do you look? What’s the routine?

RV: I usually look on Saturday morning – I read Barron’s. I’ve made a conscious effort to make things be long-term, and to take a more long-term perspective on things because in the last 20 years – as everything has become more compressed through computerization – things have become considerably more short-term than they used to be. And I’m not a short term trader.

MMS: When you look at charts, are you looking at monthlies… weeklies?

RV: Usually weeklies. That’s the time frame that I’m operating on.

MMS: Tell me a little more about yourself – how you got involved in the market? What was your inspiration?

RV: I was a kid and I was looking for a job. I walked into a brokerage firm, and the girl asked me if I was here about the job in the paper, and I said “Yes,” without a clue what the job was, and she handed me a book that said Federal Reserve Regulation T. I remember this was a Friday, and she said “Be familiar with what’s in the book and be ready to work on Monday, and I remember getting on the bus and wondering what in the hell this book was. As it turned out, I became a margin clerk for short option accounts only. And to make matters worse, at the time, you calculated everything by hand. There were no computers.

MMS: What year was this? 

RV: This would have been in 1980.

MMS: Computation with no computers.

RV: Well, there were computers, but there was no software in place for the kind of calculations I was doing. It was a great introduction to the business, that’s for sure. 

MMS: Was there any important mentor type out there, even a book writer?

RV: There were a couple of option aficionados right where I worked. I remember being so impressed by one guy yelling in a phone to someone “You want to be buying new highs.” And I remember – in my youthful mind, it burned right into me – a truer word was never spoken. A couple of other guys were using point and figure charts, and I was curious, and I really got interested.

MMS: And move us forward to your career today.

RV: Well back then, they were just computerizing the back office operations. And a guy from ADP, I think it was called Computer Information Service, came and talked to us, and a couple days after that called me up and said, “How would you like to come and work with me in New York?” So the next thing I know I’m working in New York with access to price databases, so I started writing programs. And they began to ask me to test this and test that out, and it exploded into this little business. And it was something I really, really enjoyed. In retrospect, it was interesting to be there, right when everything was getting started.

MMS: And that was the early phase of Apple, before they went south for a while, right?

RV: Yeah, they had a few good years initially, they were about the only game in town for about 20 minutes there, and then the PC came in and just displaced it all in short order.

MMS: And now they have certainly had their come back. Go on.

RV: So, one thing led to another, and I eventually ended up working for Larry Williams on the West Coast. Working for him was the greatest thing that ever happened to me. I met him in a hotel in Chicago around 1985 and we just hit it off. He would call me at the most insane hours. I don’t think he ever slept, I’ve never seen a man so passionate about the markets and I would try to write down every word and trading idea that this guy spoke. I couldn’t keep up with him at anything though – not in terms of his thought process, not physically, nothing! And I started keeping all kinds of notes. I’d been keeping notes all along, that’s just part of my routine. And one day, I sent my notes off to a publisher, and they said “We’d like to put this out as a book.” There are some interesting things in the notes that were not so obvious pre- the programming age. And it got me some notoriety.

MMS: You’ve done three books now?

RV: Oh, you embarrass me. I honestly don’t know, I think it’s four. This last one’s like a compilation of the previous three (plus the stuff I’ve been working on the past 10 years in that vein).

MMS: Have you always been a writer? 

RV: Well I just like to document my footprints, where I’ve been, and my plans, where I’m going, because I find I always have to go back and ask myself how did I get here? What did it take to get here? I really just put things down on a legal pad. And then the years go by, and one legal pad stacks up on top of another and pretty soon I’ve got a beanstalk growing.

MMS: So writing is a discipline for you? 

RV: It definitely is. I’m involved in many projects, not just the market stuff. I have other pots boiling. I do industrial programming. I’ve got this talking robot project I’ve been working on. So I can’t keep track of it unless I write it down.

MMS: Are you electronically inclined? 

RV: No, not at all. I’m all thumbs. When it gets beyond the known to the abstract, it just costs a lot of money to fix what I damage.

MMS: So how do you create a talking robot? Is it theoretical?

RV: Well there are a lot of speech recognition engines out there, where what you’re saying types out in Microsoft Word and so forth. But there’s no muscle on the back end. And that is what I create, its deeper programming data. I strengthen the linguistic muscle behind speech recognition for speech-based systems that will eventually be ubiquitous – in your car, your thermostat, and eventually everywhere.

I also do industrial type programming for Snap-On business solutions, the automotive center. And I do a lot of programming that way. It sounds kind of perverse, but it’s really what I like to do when I get up in the morning.

MMS: So your market sensibilities come from your programming skills?

RV: Yes, my programming skills really complement my portfolio management ideas. It’s a real hand in glove fit.

MMS: So just draw that out for me a little bit.

RV: Okay. In the past, people would take parameters and input them into a portfolio model, and from those input parameters, they would derive what an optimal portfolio would be. I’ve created a different sort of a model, and in fact, the computational demand for doing it my way now would have been prohibitive a generation ago because the computer power wasn’t there. More specifically, it just wasn’t accessible to people.

MMS: Okay, so what is it that you bring to portfolio technique?

RV: First, my model is based solely on leverage versus drawdown. The old models don’t even take leverage into account. But leverage is an indispensable facet of it.

Secondly, to say that variance in returns is what risk is, is pretty fallacious. Risk is drawdown. That really is what risk is. That’s where you lose or keep your clients. Secondly, this model pertains to any distributional form of returns, whereas the old one is really for normally distributed returns. We know nothing is normally distributed except people’s height and IQ scores for the most part.

It seems data that has a naturally-limiting bound to it tends to be normally distributed. Say a man is, typically, 6 feet tall and weighs 200 pounds. If we could double his height, to 12 feet tall, and keeping proportions the same, we have to square his weight.

So a similarly proportioned man would, at 12 feet tall, weigh 40,000 pounds and if you double the girth of his bones and connective tissues, he still wouldn’t be able to stand up! So there is a naturally limiting bound that gives us finite variance, and a normal distribution there. Not so with prices. And lastly this one doesn’t use correlation, which is really a clumsy parameter. And the days when you need that the most, say October 19th, 1987, and some days we saw this summer, the days when you’re counting on it the most are the days when it will fail people the greatest. The new model uses conditional probabilities in lieu of correlation, and it’s far more realistic.

I might say that this model has the benefit of being derived post October 19th, 1987 and other dates like that, days that the previous models were not modeled after. Now these type of big drop days seem to pop up every 18 months or so…

MMS: Okay. So let’s talk a bit about your routine and what your average day is like. If you only check the market on Saturdays, what do you do during the week?

RV: I usually write code from the moment I get up. That’s my day. And I try to avoid looking at the markets. It’s almost impossible to do that, because the Internet and media are everywhere. You can’t walk through an airport concourse without finding out what the markets are doing, whether you want to know it or not.

MMS: And do you have to close it out because you get tempted?

RV: Oh absolutely. I have to say to myself “I’m going to follow this plan,” and you’ll follow that plan much more easily if you’re not watching it all the time.

MMS: So you have to be very disciplined about it.

RV: Right, and I have the benefit of not working in the business. If you’re in the business, you can’t help but feel the market pulse on a minute by minute basis, and that’s grown with the Internet. I really try to block that out.

MMS: So, you have a plan, you have your investments and an exit strategy. And you’re just going to live it out until that exit strategy completes itself?

RV: Yes, exactly.

MMS: How frequently do you change or adjust your portfolio?

RV: I wouldn’t do anything until first thing Monday morning, regardless of what happened this week. Until I see Saturday what to do, I’m not doing a damn thing.

MMS: Okay. But do you do something once every Monday morning or?

RV: Well, once every Monday morning for a two to six month plan.

MMS: And you’re a runner?

RV: I run a lot. Guys who are coordinated or have athletic ability don’t have to do that kind of stuff. They can go play tennis and squash and all that. But when you’re uncoordinated like me, its one of the only things you can do athletically.

MMS: You’re an “ultra-marathon” runner. What’s that?

RV: 50 to 100 mile type thing.

MMS: So you must run every day.

RV: No, I don’t. I’ve got a little program I follow and it keeps me in shape. I run a couple times a week, just for a few miles. And then on weekends I’ll go do a double digit, and once a month I’ll go do anywhere from 20 to 50 miles in one go. But I go slowly. I mean I’m back there at the end of the crowd.

MMS: Still, that’s very ambitious. And you practice Ju-jitsu?

RV: Oh, I’ve been doing that for many, many years. Two nights a week we get together. I’ve been doing it so long, and when you get to a certain age and you don’t want to stop because you’ll loose your form. Like the running thing, the whole idea isn’t so much for sport or staying in shape, as it is the psychology of not succumbing to the suffocating culture of comfort, and that’s my primary motivation. It’s a little nutty and a little monastic, but that’s –

MMS: That’s your philosophy…

RV: Yes it is.

MMS: What do you like to read?

RV: I love 1950s literature. I love the renaissance of that. I love reading Nabokov. I love reading Kerouac and Truman Capote. And I love the literary explosion that happened in that decade. And I think Lolita is the pinnacle of English literature. That’s a book I’ve got to back and read every two years or so.

MMS: What kind of business reading do you do?

RV: I like to read Barron’s cover to cover. I like to read US News and World Report. I like to read Journal of Finance. And I tried to read Futures magazine. Well, The Economist, but that’s a little, that’s kind of inapplicable to anything that I’m really involved with. I like to read anything I can get my hands on by Nelson Freeburg.

MMS: What does Nelson Freeburg write?

RV: He has a newsletter. He has different systems and studies. He’s kind of a one man “Davis-Zweig” type, a one man research department that just pumps out tons of great stuff. Nelson Freeburg’s work is one of those rare jewels that rivals the research and output of Davis-Zweig in my humble opinion. Nelson Freeburg puts out a newsletter, Formula Research.

MMS: So music, do you like music at all? 

RV: Oh yeah.

MMS: What kind?

RV: Now you’re really trying to date me. I’m not even going to go there.

MMS: Oh, okay. Elvis Presley?

RV: Well, let’s put it this way, it’s after the 1950s, okay?

MMS: Okay, to conclude, what would you like your readers to know and remember?

RV: Well I just hope they work with some of the ideas that are in this last book. I’d like to see somebody pick up the ball and start working with these ideas because I think there’s a lot of stuff that can be worked with, and that can do a lot of good.

MMS: Can you expand on that a little bit?

RV: Sure, in the last chapter we go into maximizing returns on the given probability of a given drawdown. And I think that there’s a lot there that people can work with and really use, and I hope that somebody can pick up the ball and do some good with it – add to it, you know, kick it around a bit. That’s really what my motivation is in putting it out there.

MMS: You’ve told me a lot about yourself. Is there anything else you’d like to say about your life?

RV: I think the “not succumbing to suffocating culture of comforts” is kind of the heart of the whole thing with me. And actually, right now I have to go and get a fl at tire changed.

MMS: We appreciate your wisdom, and thanks so much for taking the time to talk to me today and for letting us get to know you a bit.

RV: Thanks so much, Molly.

“The Handbook of Portfolio Mathematics: Formulas for Optimal Allocation & Leverage” by Ralph Vince

John Bollinger, CFA, CMT, has already written the definitive review of this book:

“This is quite simply the most important investment book that you haven’t read yet. Mr. Vince explains in a clear and forthright manner why position sizing is so important, demonstrates the importance of getting it right and shows you how to determine the correct position size for your approach.

While Mr. Vince’s past books were good, “The Handbook of Portfolio Mathematics” is a quantum leap forward. It brings together all his prior research and couples it with the benefit of many years worth of real-time application of his principals. The exposition is rigorous for those who want to delve into the math, while the prose allows the less mathematically inclined reader full access to his ideas.”

Ralph Vince has previously demonstrated unparalleled expertise in money management, a field he may have invented. In the first part of this book, he demonstrates that he has equally superlative abilities as a math instructor. Basic concepts of distribution theory are explained so that everyone can understand them. There is no need to have taken a statistics course in college; Vince thoroughly addresses all topics at a level the novice can understand.

After providing the theoretical background, Vince turns to applying it. Again, the text is complete. After reading the book, traders will know how to apply the ideas, and if they do so, they will improve their profits. It is rare that a technical analyst like myself makes a completely unhedged statement like applying what you learn in this book will improve your performance. But, there is no need to hedge that opinion, Vince details exactly how to incorporate leverage, considering drawdowns, and improve the profitability of any system.

For those who have not read any of Vince’s previous works, there is no need to. All of the material from his other books is included in this one. The Handbook of Portfolio Mathematics stands alone in the field of money management.

Published by Wiley Trading, $95.00.

John Tortorella

The day after Thanksgiving, November 23, 2007, the MTA lost a member. John Tortorella, died suddenly at the all-too-young age of 61. John passed away just as he lived – quietly and surrounded by the family that meant more to him than anything else in life.

John’s life and work symbolized the spirit of the Market Technicians Association in the twenty-first century. He was an entrepreneur, having been a self-employed technical analyst for much of his career. John worked as an advisor to money managers throughout the country, including some of the largest funds in the world. He also partnered with an independent research firm, Sixth Man Research, where he published research until his passing.

Although John’s analysis incorporated his own unique indicators he developed over the years, admirers often said his work had incredible value because it was the most useful analysis they had ever come across. He had a knack for delivering clear and unambiguous expectations for the markets he studied that gave his customers a new level of precision most had never experienced. A sample of the work he did with Sixth Man research is on the next page.

Each day John prepared pivot levels of support and resistance for the major market indices that were based on his proprietary system. He was an avid “tape reader,” spending large parts of the trading day watching scrolling trade reports on his computer screen and melding what he saw into his evaluation of the market – a craft almost lost in today’s electronic age.

Like many technicians, John loved numbers, sometimes betting on the horses, the lottery, and all kinds of sporting events.

Working from home in Pompton Lakes, NJ for the most part allowed John the freedom to participate in the activities which make a town something special. As a long time member of the Pompton Lakes Youth Organization, John could be heard on the public address system as a football announcer who would never replace John Madden, but who made each game memorable. He was also active with the Youth Traveling Basketball Team.

Technical analysis gave John an opportunity to create the life he wanted. In his talented hands, technical analysis became the tool that allowed him to live well. He was the consummate technician – passionate about the markets, willing to take risks, and enjoying the rewards that good analysis make possible.

John will be missed by his wife of thirty-five years, Patricia, his children, Timothy and Daniel, and his friends and colleagues. His life will also be remembered as the model to live by for many young technicians.

MTA Journal of Technical Analysis

Hello Colleagues!

Let me start by thanking Charlie Kirkpatrick for his editorial leadership surrounding the Journal of Technical Analysis. The task of sourcing valuable articles is time consuming to say the very least, but for those of you who know Charlie, no task is too daunting for him. The MTA owes Charlie a big THANK YOU!!

When the MTA asked me to be the Editor for its Journal of Technical Analysis I must admit I was excited. The Journal has been the repository of some of the best TA papers in the market. In my view, the Journal must continue to represent the best of technical analysis thinking out in the market today. It also needs to have a good mix of classical, quantitative analysis, and academic research support. It is extremely important to those of us on your Journal Committee to begin to ensure all areas of specialties within our industry are represented. The best work on geometry, cycles, market behavior, and even harmonics should be included to name but a few. By pushing the envelope; we push ourselves ahead and grow our industry. We also need to include a good mix of quality “how to” from the best practices of risk management using our varied methods to show our readers how we continually add value. Our goal in the Journal will be for you, the reader, to be able to get practical TA information and even revisit historic and lesser-known methods from which our industry was built.

The Journal Committee has ideas to bring a spotlight on your Journal and to our industry. During my tenure we will work hard to bring a presence to our Journal as it should not be a secret known and read by only a few. We welcome your thoughts, suggestions and constructive criticism so we can all be eager to receive the latest issue. MTA Headquarter staff will be assisting me in my efforts to expand the readership and external marketing of this Journal so that we can solicit the “best of the best”. That process starts today and you will be hearing more about our efforts in future communications. The process will begin to include communications to the media on how others can be published in the Journal as well.

The time has come to take action. Be it pen or mouse; we need you! If you have any articles/ ideas for consideration, I would love to have them. We have established a web-address for communications regarding the Journal,

We are off and running……..

Connie Brown, CMT

2008 Charles H. Dow Award Competition

The competition for the 2008 Charles H. Dow Award is open. The award for excellence and creativity in technical analysis has been presented since 1994, and today it is the most important writing competition in the field.

The last day to submit papers is February 1, 2008. The Board of Directors has approved a $2,000 cash prize. The standards for writing content and style have been raised.

The winning author will be invited to discuss the paper at a national MTA seminar or at a monthly meeting of an MTA regional chapter. The paper or a summary may be published in the MTA’s Journal of Technical Analysis, in Technically Speaking, and the MTA website. The author of the runner-up paper may receive a certificate.

The guidelines are posted on the MTA’s Web site under Activities. Address inquiries to

Recipients of the Charles H. Dow Award have been:

  • 1994 Charles D. Kirkpatrick, II, CMT, “Charles Dow Looks At The Long Wave”
  • 1995 William X. Scheinman, “Information, Time and Risk”
  • 1996 Timothy W. Hayes, CMT, “The Quantifi cation Predicament”
  • 1998 Christopher L. Carolan, “Autumn Panics: A Calendar Phenomenon”
  • 1999 Eric Bjorgen and Steven C. Leuthold “Corporate Insiders’ Big Block Transactions”
  • 2001 Peter G. Eliades, “Sign of the Bear”, and Charles D. Kirkpatrick, II, CMT, “Stock Selection: A Test of Relative Stock Values Reported Over 17 1/2 Years”
  • 2002 Paul F. Desmond, “Identifying Bear Market Bottoms and New Bull Markets”
  • 2003 Gary E. Anderson, “The Janus Factor”
  • 2004 Jason Goepfert, “Mutual Fund Cash Reserves, the Risk-Free Rate, and Stock Market Performance”
  • 2007 Buff Pelz Dormeier, “Price and Volume – Digging Deeper”

“Focus on Members” Survey

Dear MTA Member,

As you may know, the MTA Board of Directors and staff are actively moving forward with specific initiatives to drive our strategic goals of:

  1. Increasing the awareness of technical market analysis, in public and investment communities around the world.
  2. Promoting technical market analysis and the value of the CMT designation in the markets where our members operate.

The Board has been working with an outside consulting firm (MIBOSO) on these initiatives. At this point in time, we need input from you, our Affiliates and Members. We want you to tell us about your professional challenges and goals. We also want you to comment on MTA’s strengths and weaknesses and to rate a member supplied “Wish List” of suggestions – an array of thoughts and ideas on how we can add value. This survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete. (And we are demonstrating our appreciation in a totally unprecedented way!)

The survey asks for some basic demographic data that allows us to see, with some precision, which segments of our membership respond most strongly to specific questions. We have carefully analyzed that part of the survey to ensure that we gather only data that is essential to the integrity of this research initiative. “Other” response fields have been included with most questions, and to give you the last word, in case there’s something you want to tell us that is not asked. Your input will be accumulated by MIBOSO and neither the Board, nor other MTA Members/Affiliates/Staff will have access to any individual input. We will see only cumulated, segmented data, so you can answer knowing that your confidentiality is assured!!

To thank you for participating, a link will be provided at the end of the survey (to protect the confidentiality of your answers) that lets you register to win free attendance, hotel and airfare at the future Seminar/Retreat of you choice! Two winners will be chosen. A link to full contest details are posted at the end of the survey.

Please log onto the Member Homepage and complete this survey by December 31st. It should take no more than 10 minutes and may get you a front row seat at an upcoming Seminar or Retreat! An Executive Summary of the results will be posted as soon as they are compiled.

We are looking forward to learning how we can serve you with the utmost efficiency and understanding.


Phil Roth, MTA President and
Tom Silveri, MTA Executive Director

Nominations Committee News….

MTA Members,

At this point, we have filled all nominating committee positions for the upcoming Board selection process. I am pleased to announce that our nominating committee this year has the diversity of MTA representation that truly covers the general membership of the MTA.

As you know, all Offi cer positions (President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary) come up for consideration for the 2-year term that commences July 1, 2008. In addition, two (2) At-large Board positions also come up for consideration for the 3-year term that commences July 1, 2008 — A total of six (6) positions!

Over the next two (2) months, we are encouraging any Member, Honorary Member or Emeritus Member in good standing to submit your name for consideration by the nominating committee, along with a description of the Board position you are seeking. The nominating committee will then seek out your completion of a tailored questionnaire as part of its review process. In addition, if you do not wish to serve but have suggestions on who might be willing/able to do so, we would encourage you to write us on that as well. Our committee will investigate these suggestions as well.

By February 28th, the nominating committee is responsible for vetting all responses and to create a “slate” of new Board Officers and At-large Directors for consideration by the membership at the MTA Annual Meeting, preliminarily scheduled for May 2008. 

This is arguably the most important task of our Association as it will define our leadership into the future. I urge you to participate. Your input is important to us. Please write to me at with any questions/ comments and, of course,  suggestions!

Best Regards,
Jordan Kotick, CMT
Chairman – Nominating Committee

What's inside...

From the Executive Director

From the Executive Director
MTA Membership: During the busy holiday season, there has been a lot going on with
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Ralph Vince

Ralph Vince
Molly Schilling
Ralph Vince
I had the pleasure of speaking to Ralph Vince by phone on October 1, 2007
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“The Handbook of Portfolio Mathematics: Formulas for Optimal Allocation & Leverage” by Ralph Vince

“The Handbook of Portfolio Mathematics: Formulas for Optimal Allocation & Leverage” by Ralph Vince
Michael Carr, CMT
John Bollinger, CFA, CMT, has already written the definitive review of this book: “This is
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John Tortorella

John Tortorella
The day after Thanksgiving, November 23, 2007, the MTA lost a member. John Tortorella, died
Read More

MTA Journal of Technical Analysis

MTA Journal of Technical Analysis
Hello Colleagues! Let me start by thanking Charlie Kirkpatrick for his editorial leadership surrounding the
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2008 Charles H. Dow Award Competition

2008 Charles H. Dow Award Competition
The competition for the 2008 Charles H. Dow Award is open. The award for excellence
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“Focus on Members” Survey

“Focus on Members” Survey
Phil Roth, CMT
Tom Silveri
Dear MTA Member, As you may know, the MTA Board of Directors and staff are
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Nominations Committee News….

Nominations Committee News….
Jordan Kotick, CMT
MTA Members, At this point, we have filled all nominating committee positions for the upcoming
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