Hello readers, and welcome to another edition of Technically Speaking!
If you have been checking your inbox regularly, then you’ve probably noticed more in-person meetings popping up around you. Months of planning and execution are now bearing fruit as more and more members join the in-person events and get back to the normal that we knew of, pre-COVID.
At this point, I’d like to share my story with you.
I completed my CMT examinations in 2016 and worked with a prop firm in Hyderabad, India. My CMT emails went unopened, moving to older pages in my inbox as I continued to wait for amazing things to happen to me after the completion of the Level III examination. While I was extremely happy and proud of myself for completing the three levels, I assumed that efforts were limited to those landmarks. Aside from a couple of events here and there, I could have done more to interact actively with members of the CMT community.
This was the mistake I was making.
My initiative lost steam once I achieved my big goal of studying and passing the exams. Only in 2019, when I met Joel Pannikot at the Hyderabad CMT Chapter meet, did I take the initiative to be more involved with the association. Credit to Joel’s foresight, identifying the roles we could play as volunteers was the first step of getting our foot in the door. My volunteer journey began with building an India-specific newsletter as an individual entity. This may not seem like the biggest project one could take on. Still, the newsletter led to multiple fruitful conversations with reputed analysts all over India, and suddenly, I had access to them. Eventually, this grew into me taking responsibility for the global newsletter, including numerous opportunities to present at the CMT symposiums, associating with global leaders, and interacting with the best minds in the business. For that matter, my voluntary initiatives with the CMT Association led to an excellent work opportunity with JC Parets and the Allstarcharts team!
So is this an exclusive club, where you benefit only when you’re a more significant part of it? Absolutely not. Getting involved with the association merely translates to global exposure and, subsequently, easy access to folks worldwide!
So, what is the point of this story?
Don’t wait for things to happen for you. If you are interested, take the first step and participate in a local chapter meeting. If the chapter meeting is yet to occur in your region, reach out to someone nearest to you. I cannot stress enough how important it is to put in the time to build relationships. And if you thought there were only a couple of ways to interact with the CMT Association, think again. This link could lead to innumerable outcomes, but you must drive it.
If you’re looking for an example, here’s yours truly!
Until next time, think technical!
Rashmi Bhatnagar