2016 Annual Symposium: Day 2 – Keynote Presentation and Annual Award winner: Louise Yamada, CMT

2016 Annual Symposium: Day 2 – Keynote Presentation and Annual Award winner: Louise Yamada, CMT

April 8, 2016

The 2016 winner of the CMT Association’s Lifetime Achievement Award is Louise Yamada, CMT. Louise is the Managing Director of Louise Yamada Technical Research Advisors (LYA) founded October 2005. Previously she was Managing Director and Head of Technical Research for Smith Barney (Citigroup), and while there, was a perennial leader in the Institutional Investor poll and the top-ranked market technician in 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004. The Annual Award is presented by Gail Dudack, CMT.

Louise Yamada, CMT

Managing Director