Weight of the Evidence: Global Investing in 2023 & Beyond

Weight of the Evidence: Global Investing in 2023 & Beyond

April 28, 2023

Tim Hayes, CMT

Chief Global Investment Strategist, NDR

A presentation as part of the 50th Anniversary of the CMT Association’s Annual Symposium in New York City.

Why do we all believe technical indicators should be quantified? Why do we follow a top-down approach to market analysis? Why do practitioners follow a “weight of the evidence” approach?

Timothy W. Hayes, CMT, is NDR’s Chief Global Investment Strategist and the author of seminal work in the field which cemented principles followed by technical analysts worldwide. He has been with the firm since 1986. Tim directs NDR’s global asset allocation services, develops strategy and major investment themes, and establishes NDR’s weightings for global asset allocation, presenting his views on the cyclical and secular outlook globally. Tim’s recommendations, strategies, and timely market commentaries and studies are featured in Global Strategy publications, which focus on global allocation and the most significant market developments.

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Tim Hayes, CMT

Chief Global Investment Strategist, NDR