New Geopolitical, Commodity, and Recurring Cycles
By Harry S. Dent, Jr.
New York Times bestselling author
Adapted from The Great Depression Ahead (Free Press, 2009)
For those familiar with our work, this article will be a condensed explanation of many of the recurring economic and market cycles we study. Our primary focus has always been demographic trends – in an economy that is 70% consumer spending, it only makes sense to study how age affects our spending habits. But given the extreme volatility of recent years, it became obvious to us that there were other cyclical factors at work as well, and these will be the focus of this article.
One of the biggest developments of the mid 2000s was the raging bull market oil and commodity prices. We are currently at the tail end of a commodity bubble that has rivaled that of the 1970s even when adjusted for inflation. This caused us to review commodity cycles and our old past Kondratieff Wave research, and we found that there is actually a regular 29- to 30-year cycle in commodities over the past 200 years. Chart 1 shows this 29- to 30-year Commodity Cycle over the last century, with regular peaks in 1920, 1951, and 1980. Previous peaks occurred in 1834, 1864, and 1892. The next peak would be due between late 2009 and mid 2010, though it appears that the credit meltdown of 2007-2008 caused this cycle to peak a little earlier.
Chart 1: 29- to 30-Year Commodity Cycle
This cycle represents an important addition to our recurring cycles. Most past booms, like the 1920s, 1950s to 1960s, and 1980s to 1990s did not include commodity bubbles, nor significant inflation pressures, because strong productivity gains from rising generational and technology trends largely neutralized this.
The New 32- to 36-Year Geopolitical Cycle
Perhaps the most important new cycle we have added is a new Geopolitical Cycle. Every 34 – 46 years, we tend to see alternating periods of 16 to 18 years when the general geopolitical trends and environment are first favorable for stocks and valuations and then unfavorable. This cycle has a much bigger impact than the 29- to 30-year Commodity Cycle on developed countries such as the US, given that commodity prices are such a small percent of GDP in modern times. Chart 2 shows this cycle over the last century, with peaks in stocks and valuations in 1929, 1965, and 2000. The next cycle peak will come around 2035-2036, in line with some important peaks in global demographic trends for China, Russia and Eastern Europe, and Europe. Past cycle peaks in the century before came around 1834, 1866, and 1898. The only major peak that came off cycle would have been the stock market peak in early 1873, which was followed by a depression. There was a major stock market peak between late 1834 and early 1835 that led to a major depression that was right in line with this cycle.
Chart 2: 32- to 36-Year Geopolitical Cycle
In 2006, we started feeling as if the geopolitical trends were becoming like the 1960s and 1970s. There was the Cuban Missile Crisis, JFK was assassinated, the Vietnam War escalated yet we couldn’t win it, and Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. were assassinated. There was the recession of 1970 and a worse recession from 1972 into early 1975 (with the greatest crash in stocks since the early 1930s). The Cold War escalated, with creeping inflation that turned into the largest inflation surge in modern history into 1980. Finally, between 1980 and early 1983, we saw the worst recession and unemployment since the 1930s. The economy continued to be strong due to demographic and technology trends into the late 1960s,
but stocks advanced much more slowly than they did in the 1950s and early 1960s. During 1961-1962, stock valuations or P/E ratios actually peaked at levels similar to those in 1929 and then declined even in the boom. Overall, the last unfavorable cycle was from around 1965 to 1982. We experienced a favorable cycle again from 1983 to 2000, with a global boom from rising productivity and falling inflation. The next unfavorable cycle began in 2001 and will continue into 2018-2019.
In 2001, the tech bubble started to crash more seriously. Then there was 9/11, the big event that has changed the environment for North America and Europe ever since. The second Iraq War was aimed at the wrong enemy and has gone as badly as the Vietnam War, and now it looks hard to pull out gracefully. There have been continued terrorist attacks around the world, and we think that the U.S. is due to be hit between 2009 and 2010 on a pretty regular terrorist cycle every 8 to 9 years (1993, first World trade center bomb; 2001, the major 9/11 attack; 2009-2010, a greater attack on the US?). This geopolitical environment of heightened risks clearly was a part of the bubble in oil prices, but more so was the rapid expansion of the
more commodity-intensive emerging countries, such as China, India, and Brazil. This one new cycle alone caused us to cut our stock estimates for the peak of the boom in half in September 2006.
This Geopolitical Cycle continues to point downward into 2018 or 2019. Expect world events and terrorism to get worse, not better. Expect stocks to continue to under perform their earnings and valuation trends of the 1980s and 1990s, even more so in the extended slowdown from 2010 into about 2023. Expect the commodity bubble to first create higher tensions in the Middle East, and then its collapse to create greater problems and unrest in the Middle East and the Third World that could then create an even greater backlash against North America and Europe.
The next global boom on this cycle would come between approximately 2020 and 2035 or 2036. Stocks could bottom by 2020, even though demographic trends in the U.S. don’t start to point upward again until at least 2023.
These two new cycles have greatly reshaped our forecasts for the present decade, and they occur more in the time frames of our 40-year Generation or Spending Wave and our technology and S-curve cycles. There are some important long-term cycles that bring additional perspective to the magnitude of today’s advances and progress that we will cover next. Then we will look at some intermediate to shorter-term cycles that will be important to predicting how this Bubble Boom will unwind in the next few years and decade ahead.
Shorter-term Recurring Cycles: 20-Year, Decennial, 4-Year, and Annual Cycles
The 20-Year and 40-Year Cycle
We noted in our previous book, The Next Great Bubble Boom, that major long-term bottoms in the stock market have occurred about every 20 years, like 1903, 1942, 1982, and next around 2022-2023. This cycle may simply be a sub cycle of the 40-year Generation Cycle or Spending Wave in modern times, but we can see it in Chart 3. The 20-year bottoms every 40 years tend to lead to broader booms again. Even though we may see the worst of the next crash into late 2010 or 2012, we are not likely to see another sustained upward bull market cycle until late 2022.
Chart 3: 20-Year and 40-Year Cycles
The Most Powerful Decennial Cycle
After the 2000-2002 crash proved to be more severe than we originally expected, given such strong demographic and technology trends into 2008-2009, we began to focus more on the Decennial Cycle in stocks and the economy, which has been documented for years by Ned Davis. Chart 4 shows the average gains in the stock market (Dow) over the last century. The markets tend to peak late in the ninth year, correct into the middle part of the second year, and then recoup modestly into the end of the fourth year. Most or all of the net gains tend to then occur in the second half of the decade.
Chart 4: Decennial Cycle
We back tested this cycle over the last century. By getting defensive in the first 2.5 years of every decade, investors could have created greater risk/return benefits than any other cycle, including our Spending Wave. This cycle alone strongly suggests that investors and businesses should be more defensive between late 2009 and mid 2012.
What is behind this cycle? It seems that there is a natural corporate and real estate planning cycle in which companies have 10-year plans to achieve new targets by the end of the decade. They all then tend to expand—and over expand— into the end of each decade and then have to consolidate or shake out in the early years of the decade to follow. Whatever the cause, this cycle has been one of the most consistent in the past century, and we should continue to take it into account unless it fails and continues to fail miserably over a few decades.
Although this long-term average was affected substantially by the great crash of late 1929 to mid 1932 and also by the extreme 1987 crash, we still see a strong consistency over time. The greatest stock crashes outside of 1973-1974 have occurred in the early years of the decades: late 1919 to early 1922; late 1929 to mid 1932, late 1937 to early 1942; 1960-1962; 1970; 1980-1982; 1990, and early 2000 to late 2002. Even the crash of 1973-1974 occurred in the first half of the decade and was preceded by a substantial crash in 1970. Similarly, the greatest bubbles have occurred in the second half of the decade: 1914-1919; 1925-1929; 1985-1989 (U.S. and, more so, Japan); 1995 to early 2000, and 2005-2009 in emerging markets and commodities today. In U.S. history there have been no overall down periods in the second half of any decade in the 20th century, including in broader bear markets in the 1970s and 1930s. As an investor, you still could have made money from late 1934 to late 1939 and late 1974 to late 1979 in the stock markets!
The Most Consistent 4-Year Presidential Cycle
It is well known among most stock analysts that the markets tend to see minor to substantial corrections every 4 years during the mid-term election cycles in the U.S., with stocks tending to hit natural intermediate-term bottoms between the summer and fall of years like 1962, 1966, 1970, 1974, 1978, 1982, 1986, 1990, 1994, 1998, 2002, 2006—and next—mid to late 2010! This cycle has been documented best by Ned Davis, as is shown in Chart 5.
Chart 5: The 4-Year Presidential Cycle
What is behind this cycle? The Federal Reserve and U.S. government tend to be more stimulative in their monetary and fiscal policies building up to the presidential elections to support the present administration or party—and then have to deal with the excesses by use of tightening and cutbacks into the mid-term elections when there is less at stake. Investors also tend to get optimistic in the first year of a Presidency with so many promises during the election and then realize that not much will change by the second year. There may be other influences that we have not yet identified, but this is another consistent cycle.
A New 3.3-Year Cycle?
Robert Prechter, author of Conquer the Crash (Wiley, 2002), in his newsletter The Elliott Wave Theorist, has postulated a new 3.3-year cycle that may have merit. The last one bottomed in mid to late 1998 with that sharp correction, then the next one hit in late 2001 right near 9/11, then very early 2005. The last cycle bottom would have hit around the March bottom in 2008. The next cycles would bottom around mid 2011, late 2014, very early 2018 and early to mid 2021. This cycle would suggest that it could be mid 2011 before the stock market bounces strongly from the 2009 to 2010 great crash, and it would give more wait to a low and buying opportunity in late 2014 – and even suggest a possible ultimate low in late 2014 with the 3.3- and 4-year cycles coinciding. But this cycle is not as proven as the 4 –year and Decennial, so we will give them more weight for now.
The 8.6-Year Armstrong Cycle
Another cycle that we have tracked historically is the 8.6-Year Armstrong Cycle in Chart 6. This cycle oscillates more between primary and secondary momentum moves up and down. It is supposed to correlate more with global business cycles, but has correlated closer with the stock market in recent times. Here you can see that a primary momentum top occurred in early 2007 – and we saw a series of increasing stock market corrections to follow into March of 2007, August of 2007, November of 2007 and March of 2008. The secondary momentum bottom was due to bottom on March 22, 2008, just 5 days from the actual bottom on March 17. The next secondary momentum top would be due for mid April of 2009 right near when the Annual Cycle is due to peak by May and then the primary bottom occurs in mid 2011 when we expect the worst economy and unemployment to follow the sharp crash of 2009 – 2010. The next primary bottom in this cycle would occur in early 2020 near the bottom of our Geopolitical Cycle. Given that 8.6 X 4 = 34, we wonder if these two cycles are related.
Chart 6: The 8.6-Year Armstrong Cycle
The Annual Cycle: Sell in May, Buy in October
The stock market tends to have an annual cycle that is less consistent but over time is quite powerful. Because investors receive more dividends in the early part of each year and then receive tax refunds into April or May, there tend to be greater flows of funds into the stock market between the tax selling season (to take advantage of losses between October and December) and April or May of each year. The markets tend to have less relative cash flow from May or June to September or October. There is also a tendency to sell losing stocks towards the end of the year (September/October) for tax losses and then to re buy in January onwards. Chart 7 from Ned Davis shows that over the last century, almost all of the stock gains on average have come from May to October, with November through April pretty much a wash.
Chart 7: Annual Cycle in Stocks
This cycle suggests that the next short-term cycle peak has already come with the recent peaks—although the Decennial and 4-year cycles point more toward late 2009.
Seasonal 4-Month Cycles
We also tend to see cycles within every year with corrections around late January to February, late May to June and late September to October. Timing of these cycles tends to vary but occurs on average around three times a year or every four months. The last such cycle occurred from late May to mid June 2008 and late September to mid October 2008 and would be due to hit again between mid January and early February 2009 and from early May to early June 2009, September to early October 2009, January 2010, and so on.
If we put together all of our long-term and short-term fundamental and recurring cycles we can start to integrate the most likely scenarios for the great crash ahead and the depression to follow.
Likely Stock and Economic Scenarios Ahead
Let’s review the summary principles from this chapter:
- Since our last book, The Next Great Bubble Boom, we have added two important long term cycles: The 32 – 36-Year Geopolitical and the 29- 30-Year Commodity Cycles.
- The Geopolitical Cycle has caused US stocks to under perform their trends in the 1990s by 50%. But this means less of a bubble to deflate between 2010 and 2012.
- The 29 – 30-Year Commodity Cycle is on a perfect collision course with the peak of our Spending Wave around late 2009. This is not typical. The last cycle peaked just before this great boom began in 1980 and the previous one partway into the 1942 – 1968 bull market in 1951.
- The Commodity Bubble will be the key trigger for the next crash as it will eventually slow emerging countries and not just developed countries. Oil is likely to hit $200 plus or minus around late 2009 and by mid 2010 at the latest.
- The largely consistent Decennial Cycle points down from late 2009 into mid 2012 and the next great stock crash is likely to bottom long term and reverse by then. The next Decennial Cycle would hit from late 2019 to mid 2022, but our Geopolitical Cycle will be pointing up from 2020 forward and may offset that cycle a bit.
- The 4-Year Presidential Cycle also points down from late 2009 into 2010 making that the most dangerous period with all of our intermediate and long term cycles pointing down.
- The 4-Year Cycle also bottoms in mid to late 2014, mid to late 2018 and mid to late 2022. These will likely represent advantageous buying opportunities for stocks. With the conjunction of a new 3.3- year cycle, late 2014 could also represent a long term bottom in an alternative scenario, instead of around mid to late 2012.
- If we take all of our cycles into account, the greatest near term buy opportunity for stocks is likely to come in mid to late 2012, and possibly earlier between late 2010 and mid 2011. The greatest long term buy opportunity is likely to come between late 2019/early 2020 and mid to late 2022. Late 2014 should mark a key buying opportunity intermediate term.