Remote Proctoring

Taking Your CMT Exam via Remote Proctoring

Candidates for the CMT exams have the option to register to take the test at either a Prometric Test Site or through ProProctor, Prometric’s Remote Test system.

The CMT Association has directed that the CMT Exam will be available for candidates remotely via Prometric’s test system ProProctor.
Please read the requirements carefully to determine whether the place where you will take your exam remotely meets the stringent requirements for a remotely proctored exam.

If you register to take the exam remotely with ProProctor and your remote proctor determines your room or workstation does not meet the requirements, your exam fees will be forfeited.

Please begin the log on process for your exam before your scheduled appointment time.  If you begin the process after your scheduled appointment time, you risk receiving a “no-show” (forfeit) result for the exam.

ProProctor Requirements

If you choose to utilize the remote service, your computer and peripheral hardware as well as your testing environment must meet several requirements. The basic requirements are listed below.

Use these checklists to confirm your environment and computer’s compatibility to allow remote proctoring via Prometric’s ProProctor™ application. For a remotely proctored exam, your computer must have a camera, microphone and internet connection, and be able to install a lightweight app prior to the test event. The camera must be movable; you must be able to pick up the camera (or the computer it’s attached to) and provide a 360° view of the room. You will take the exam online while a Prometric proctor is overseeing the examination process remotely.

Test Environment Requirements

Your office or home setting must meet the following requirements:

  • Testing location must be indoors (walled), well lit, free from background noise and disruptions.
  • No third party may be present in the room or enter the room for the duration of the exam. If this occurs, your exam will be terminated and/or your results invalidated.
  • Your workstation and surrounding area must be free of books, electronic devices, etc. No content that could potentially provide an unfair advantage during your exam, including that posted on walls or within your immediate area, should be present during your exam session.
  • If the room you use for testing is a) on the first or second floor and has exterior-facing windows or b) has interior-facing windows (as in many conference rooms and offices), then existing blinds or curtains should be closed, or other window coverings put in place.
  • Two tissues are permitted at your workstation but must be inspected by the Proctor prior to the start of your exam.

Technology Requirements

ProProctor™ System Requirements:

  • You can only use a laptop or desktop computer for your exam. No dual-monitor configurations are permitted for testing (ie: a desktop with two monitors or a laptop with a separate monitor are not permitted).
  • Laptop/PC Power Source: Please plug your device directly into a power source, not attached to a docking station.
  • Camera and microphone: Whether or not it is attached to your laptop or PC, your camera needs to be able to move around and provide a view of your entire workspace. You must have a working microphone to speak with your remote proctor.
  • Screen Resolution: 1024 x 768 is the minimum resolution required.
  • Operating System: Windows 8.1 or higher | MacOS 10.13 or higher.
More detail on using ProProctor, including hardware and environment information is available using these links.
Candidates are encouraged to do a system check, using the link above, well in advance of their exam. The system check should be done with the computer you plan to use for the exam.

Rescheduling Policy Due to Disruption of Remote Exam

Candidates can report connectivity issues to Prometric. After Prometric runs a diagnostic report and confirms the disruption with the CMT Association, candidates will receive one opportunity to take the exam again remotely or at a test center, dependent on appointment availability.