Andre Ratkai, CFA

Andre Ratkai, CFA

Andre Ratkai, CFA is President and Chief Investment Officer of Praxis Advisory Group, Inc., an independent investment advisor providing portfolio management and asset allocation services for stock, bond, and mutual fund investors. Mr. Ratkai provides the investment management and research and is the primary client contact for all accounts. Prior to offering Praxis Advisory Group’s services in 1992, Mr. Ratkai served for four years as portfolio manager for Alpine Capital Management Corp., a Denver-based registered investment advisor. He was a member of Alpine’s investment team that was responsible for more than $100 million of managed stock, bond, and mutual fund accounts. For more info, please visit

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Andre Ratkai, CFA is President and Chief Investment Officer of Praxis Advisory Group, Inc., an independent investment advisor providing portfolio management and asset allocation services for stock, bond, and mutual fund investors. Mr. Ratkai provides the investment management and research and is the primary client contact for all accounts. Prior to offering Praxis Advisory Group’s services in 1992, Mr. Ratkai served for four years as portfolio manager for Alpine Capital Management Corp., a Denver-based registered investment advisor. He was a member of Alpine’s investment team that was responsible for more than $100 million of managed stock, bond, and mutual fund accounts. For more info, please visit

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