Matt Weller, CMT, CFA

Matt Weller, CMT, CFA

Matt Weller is a Senior Technical Analyst on’s research team and has actively traded various financial instruments including stocks, options, and forex since 2005. Each day, Matt creates research reports focusing on technical analysis of the forex, equity, and commodity markets. In his research, Matt utilizes candlestick patterns, common indicators, and Fibonacci analysis to predict market moves.

In addition to his regular research reports, he has discovered a passion for teaching others about trading and has conducted over 1200 educational webinars on different aspects of trading and trading psychology. His analysis has been quoted in the Financial Times, Reuters, MarketWatch, The Guardian, and the Daily Telegraph. Matt is a Level III Chartered Market Technician (CMT) candidate. You can reach Matt directly via email ( or on twitter (@MWellerFX)

Chapter Chair

CMT Designation


Matt Weller is a Senior Technical Analyst on’s research team and has actively traded various financial instruments including stocks, options, and forex since 2005. Each day, Matt creates research reports focusing on technical analysis of the forex, equity, and commodity markets. In his research, Matt utilizes candlestick patterns, common indicators, and Fibonacci analysis to predict market moves.

In addition to his regular research reports, he has discovered a passion for teaching others about trading and has conducted over 1200 educational webinars on different aspects of trading and trading psychology. His analysis has been quoted in the Financial Times, Reuters, MarketWatch, The Guardian, and the Daily Telegraph. Matt is a Level III Chartered Market Technician (CMT) candidate. You can reach Matt directly via email ( or on twitter (@MWellerFX)

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