Tucker Balch, Ph.D.

Tucker Balch, Ph.D.

Co-founder & Chief Technology Officer

Tucker Balch, Ph.D. is a former F-15 pilot, professor at Georgia Tech, and co-founder and CTO of Lucena Research, an investment software startup. His research focuses on topics that range from understanding social animal behavior to the challenges of applying Machine Learning to Finance. His online course, Computational Investing Part I, is the most popular online course offered by Georgia Tech and one of the most popular at coursera.com with over 175,000 students enrolled.

Honors include the NSF CAREER Award, the Georgia Tech Outstanding Service Award and a distinguished graduate designation from the USAF in Undergraduate Pilot Training. Tucker has authored over 150 technical papers, journal articles and books, including the recent book What Hedge Funds Really Do with Philip Romero. His work has been reported in the popular press and TV including on CNN, in Institutional Investor, the New York Times and the New Scientist.

Balch holds B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from Georgia Tech and a M.S. in Computer Science from University of California, Davis.

Video Archive Contributions
April 13, 2018
Opening Panel: Actionable Intelligence from Big Data using Deep Reinforcement learning
Presenter(s): Tucker Balch, Ph.D.
April 4, 2014
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Trading Systems Design
Presenter(s): Tucker Balch, Ph.D.

Co-founder & Chief Technology Officer

Chapter Chair

CMT Designation


Tucker Balch, Ph.D. is a former F-15 pilot, professor at Georgia Tech, and co-founder and CTO of Lucena Research, an investment software startup. His research focuses on topics that range from understanding social animal behavior to the challenges of applying Machine Learning to Finance. His online course, Computational Investing Part I, is the most popular online course offered by Georgia Tech and one of the most popular at coursera.com with over 175,000 students enrolled.

Honors include the NSF CAREER Award, the Georgia Tech Outstanding Service Award and a distinguished graduate designation from the USAF in Undergraduate Pilot Training. Tucker has authored over 150 technical papers, journal articles and books, including the recent book What Hedge Funds Really Do with Philip Romero. His work has been reported in the popular press and TV including on CNN, in Institutional Investor, the New York Times and the New Scientist.

Balch holds B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from Georgia Tech and a M.S. in Computer Science from University of California, Davis.

Market Insight Contributions

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