Michael Covel

Michael Covel

Michael Covel is a highly respected author, film director, and entrepreneur. He extends his trading expertise to readers and clients through the use of film, the worldwide web and the written word.

In 1996, he founded the well-renowned TurtleTrader® website, which has attracted millions of visitors. This internationally acclaimed website offers innovative and comprehensive trading techniques, making a striking impact on the investing world. In 2004, Covel published his first book, Trend Following: How Great Traders Make Millions in Up or Down Markets (FT Press, Apr. 04, Nov. 05, Feb. 07 & Feb. 09). Profiling great trend following traders, along with defining and teaching the underground trading strategy of trend following, it quickly became a bestseller. Trend Following has sold 100,000+ copies and is also available in German, Japanese, Chinese (Complex and Simplified), Korean, French, Arabic, Turkish and Russian. Between film projects, books and social media management, Michael Covel is an in-demand global speaker. He has presented at conferences in cities around the world, including Tokyo, Vienna, Paris, Macau, Hong Kong, Miami and São Paulo.

Additionally, The Wall Street Journal, Barrons, Globe and Mail, Bloomberg and The New York Post have quoted and interviewed Covel. Reviews of his work have appeared in The Huffington Post and Big Hollywood. His written work has also appeared in Technical Analysis Magazine, Trader Monthly, Stocks, Futures and Options Magazine, Futures Magazine, TradingMarkets.com, Yahoo Finance, Market Technicians Association Newsletter, and Futures Japan Magazine. Michael earned a Bachelor’s of Arts from George Mason University and a Master’s of Business Administration from Florida State University. 

Video Archive Contributions
April 19, 2012
Trend Following: Trading for Exceptional Returns
Presenter(s): Michael Covel
November 23, 2009
Trend Following
Presenter(s): Michael Covel
November 23, 2009
Trend Following
Presenter(s): Michael Covel

Chapter Chair

CMT Designation


Michael Covel is a highly respected author, film director, and entrepreneur. He extends his trading expertise to readers and clients through the use of film, the worldwide web and the written word.

In 1996, he founded the well-renowned TurtleTrader® website, which has attracted millions of visitors. This internationally acclaimed website offers innovative and comprehensive trading techniques, making a striking impact on the investing world. In 2004, Covel published his first book, Trend Following: How Great Traders Make Millions in Up or Down Markets (FT Press, Apr. 04, Nov. 05, Feb. 07 & Feb. 09). Profiling great trend following traders, along with defining and teaching the underground trading strategy of trend following, it quickly became a bestseller. Trend Following has sold 100,000+ copies and is also available in German, Japanese, Chinese (Complex and Simplified), Korean, French, Arabic, Turkish and Russian. Between film projects, books and social media management, Michael Covel is an in-demand global speaker. He has presented at conferences in cities around the world, including Tokyo, Vienna, Paris, Macau, Hong Kong, Miami and São Paulo.

Additionally, The Wall Street Journal, Barrons, Globe and Mail, Bloomberg and The New York Post have quoted and interviewed Covel. Reviews of his work have appeared in The Huffington Post and Big Hollywood. His written work has also appeared in Technical Analysis Magazine, Trader Monthly, Stocks, Futures and Options Magazine, Futures Magazine, TradingMarkets.com, Yahoo Finance, Market Technicians Association Newsletter, and Futures Japan Magazine. Michael earned a Bachelor’s of Arts from George Mason University and a Master’s of Business Administration from Florida State University. 

Video Archive Contributions

November 23, 2009

Trend Following

November 23, 2009

Trend Following

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Market Insight Contributions

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