Martha Stokes, CMT

Martha Stokes, CMT

Martha Stokes, who holds a Chartered Market Technician (CMT) designation, is the Co-founder and CEO of TechniTrader. She is a former buy-side Technical Analyst. Since 1998, she has developed over 40 TechniTrader Stock and Option courses and classes for beginning to advanced investors and traders. Courses for financial planners, advisors, and professional traders include Relational Analysis for portfolio management practices.

She has been a guest speaker for TradeStation, MetaStock, TC2000, MoneyShow, AAII, Boeing, Options Traders, Livevol, and the CMT Association’s Puget Sound Chapter. She writes weekly publications for TechniTrader Students, New Technologies Reports, and produces an annual Industry and Sector Report, and a Market Structure Report. She is a contributor on numerous sites, including TC2000 3rd Party Research, MetaStock Forum, Stocks & Commodities Magazine, Livevol, Stockcharts, and Trader Planet. She has toured the US and Canada teaching seminars for TC2000 and MetaStock, and is a featured guest on radio shows in those countries.

Martha Stokes CMT specializes in Relational Analysis™ for stocks and options, and Market Condition Analysis. Her focus for long term investments is emerging displacement technologies that will have a significant impact on the stock market. 

Video Archive Contributions
February 21, 2024
Identify Dark Pool Trading Activity with Technical Analysis
Presenter(s): Martha Stokes, CMT
March 7, 2019
The Impact of Automated Markets on Technical Analysis
Presenter(s): Martha Stokes, CMT
February 25, 2015
Relational Analysis: The Evolution of Technical Analysis
Presenter(s): Martha Stokes, CMT

Chapter Chair

CMT Designation


Martha Stokes, who holds a Chartered Market Technician (CMT) designation, is the Co-founder and CEO of TechniTrader. She is a former buy-side Technical Analyst. Since 1998, she has developed over 40 TechniTrader Stock and Option courses and classes for beginning to advanced investors and traders. Courses for financial planners, advisors, and professional traders include Relational Analysis for portfolio management practices.

She has been a guest speaker for TradeStation, MetaStock, TC2000, MoneyShow, AAII, Boeing, Options Traders, Livevol, and the CMT Association’s Puget Sound Chapter. She writes weekly publications for TechniTrader Students, New Technologies Reports, and produces an annual Industry and Sector Report, and a Market Structure Report. She is a contributor on numerous sites, including TC2000 3rd Party Research, MetaStock Forum, Stocks & Commodities Magazine, Livevol, Stockcharts, and Trader Planet. She has toured the US and Canada teaching seminars for TC2000 and MetaStock, and is a featured guest on radio shows in those countries.

Martha Stokes CMT specializes in Relational Analysis™ for stocks and options, and Market Condition Analysis. Her focus for long term investments is emerging displacement technologies that will have a significant impact on the stock market. 

Market Insight Contributions

Presenter Contributions
July 2022
Relational Technical Analysis: A New Way to Look at Charts
Presenter(s): Martha Stokes, CMT
July 18, 2022

Relational Technical Analysis: A New Way to Look at Charts

Relational Technical Analysis: A New Way to Look at Charts S&P 500 SP:SPX CMT_Association Relational…
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